Customer: A travel agency, that provides their clients with travel packages for authentic and unique routes and destinations and helps with booking customized activities, wanted to digitalize their systems and services to enhance user experience and automate agents' work
Challenge:The website should have all the standard functions of destinations' descriptions, searching, chatting with agents, etc., design and use flow should be a bit exotic to reflect the business concept; and above that there should be a page for each client with own routes booked and created by an agent according to each specific request
Website for a Young and Ambitious Travel Agency
Industry: Travel and Hospitality
Technologies: React.js, Node.js
The Customer relied on Filin Solutions to create the website from scratch.
We started from research of the agency's business model and target audience as well as core destinations and tour types; tried several color palettes, fonts, and icons to associate with the destinations, and the passion of the target audience to opt for something more authentic and the joy of life.
To create this app we used a rock-solid combination of React frontend connected to a Node backend. This combination ensures to build dynamic, large, data-driven web apps that are responsive across multiple devices.
React.js as a front-end stack allowed us to build high-quality, rich user interfaces through its declarative components as it supports front-end libraries such as Bootstrap, Chakra, Tailwind, etc.
Node.js as a back-end stack gave improved scalability in comparison to other JS servers and accelerated the development process.
Client-facing interface
Agency's client can browse the ideas of destinations, countries, and activities, and apply filters without the need to reload the page, as we developed this web app as a SPA (single page application).
A SPA eliminates the requests between the server and browser, making the site much faster. And with a huge advantage the challenge comes: when it comes to SEO optimization, search engines remain totally blind to JS, not being able to understand that the content is being added dynamically. Unquestionably SEO optimization was essential to provide the Customer with a competitive advantage over competitors. So we implemented Server-side rendering (SSR) as a way to offload rendering logic to a live backend. Now our SPA executes a request to a Node.js web server; the latter returns a fully rendered HTML view to the client.
Each agency's client can register to his own account with general user information, travel preferences, chat with an agent, payment options, and information on upcoming journeys or activities as well as past activities. The upcoming event has a link to a detailed place/activity description and a link to add this activity to google calendar.
Registered clients can leave their reviews in the blog section.
Agent-facing interface
To update constantly the information of destinations and events on the website the agent has a simple CMS, built in React and Node, to make him able to add or delete articles and blog posts about places and events to the website himself and answer the reviews.
To create clients' journeys pages and add links to the itineraries and events the agent will use an admin panel. It also gives the option to see the list of clients, their preferences, and coming from them requests and messages (third-party integration).
The website fully reflects the customer's business needs and processes and soon will be launched.
React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, REST API, CMS, Google Cloud